Monday, March 28, 2011


Breakfast! Om nom nom!

You can sell this as "streamlining" all you want but all I'm going to hear is "consolidating power among fewer and fewer hands."

Labor: one, two, three, four

Economy: one, two, three

Wisconsin: one, two, three

Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire: one, two, three, four, five

Fzcking the Schools: one, two

Killing the Poor: one, two

So it turns out  Scott Adams is a megad0uche. With John Stossel as back up in today's d0uche patrol.

The War on Women: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine (the last one's not so much a part of the war as it is just really stupid)

Hey, this sounds totally reasonable.

Read your Driftglass, it's good for you: one, two


File Under: American Metaphors (this is the most delightful thing I've seen in weeks)

One for the Parks 'n Rec fans: obviously this horse's name is Sebastian.

Fun with Chicago History.

"Scream forever" pretty much nails it, yeah.

Ah, sh1t.

I want to go to this party. Holy crap, best parents evar.

KITTY: one, two

DrCaptAmerica's tweet, "Smashes her forehead into a mirror & spends the rest of the show giggling "How's Annie? How's Annie?! How's Annie?!?" #FinalOprah, made Tom laugh so hard he did the Awesome Laugh and pounded on the arm of his chair. Well done, sir.

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