Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sweet Berber Pie


I am cultivating a relationship with the sweet potato beyond the Thanksgiving table. Thus far I've successfully incorporated sweet potatoes into curries and chilis (next up: Sweet Potato Challah). But no experiment to date has gone as well as the Sweet Berber Pie.

I wanted to reboot the standard Shepherd's Pie recipe with sweet potatoes, lamb, and supporting flavors from the Moroccan/North African region (hence the Berber name, taken from the Berber people of Morocco). The flavors turned out almost exactly as I planned and I will definitely make this again. Here's the recipe:

1 lb. ground lamb or beef (or substitute 2 cups cooked farro/kamut for meatless version)

2 sweet onions, chopped

2 garlic cloves, chopped

1/2 Cup Pine Nuts, toasted

2/3 Cup Dried Fruit: currants, golden raisins, cranberries, apricots, plums, macerated in red wine/orange juice

Spices: cumin, cinnamon, coriander, garam masala, turmeric, Aleppo pepper

Chopped Raw Kale, about 2 cups

Cooked Sweet Potato, I used 3 medium-sized

Butter, Orange Juice, Salt & Pepper to taste

Agave Syrup

1 Head Cauliflower

1/2 Cup+ Chopped Pistachios

Pomegranate Arils

Meat Layer:

Toast pine nuts and set aside. Macerate dried fruit in red wine and/or orange juice. Brown ground meat with salt and pepper and set aside; sauté onion and garlic in drippings. Add chopped kale and cook 2-3 minutes until kale is wilted. Add ground spices and bloom 1-2 minutes. Add meat and toasted pine nuts back to pan. Add macerated fruit and liquid and stir to combine. Pour into a casserole dish lightly sprayed with nonstick spray.

Cauliflower Layer:

Begin with a raw head of cauliflower, remove outer leaf stems but do not core. Grate ½ Cup of raw cauliflower on largest side of box grater and set grated cauliflower aside. Set head on flat side and cut ½” slices. Brush lightly with olive oil. Season with salt, pepper and garam masala and bake in a 400 degree oven until edges are starting to brown. Layer baked slices of cauliflower, or break up into bite-sized chunks and scatter, over the browned lamb.

Sweet Potato Layer:

Bake or steam sweet potato until cooked and press through a ricer. Add butter, salt, pepper and orange juice and mash. Spoon mashed sweet potato over cauliflower slices.


Toss grated cauliflower and chopped pistachios with salt, garam masala and a drizzle each of olive oil and agave syrup. Scatter over mashed sweet potato. Bake 25-30 minutes at 375 or until topping and edges are starting to brown. Finish with pomegranate arils before serving.

Vegetarian/Vegan Mod:

Prepare farro or kamut according to directions (you could use couscous but I think a heartier, chewier grain would be more satisfying). Saute onion and garlic in olive or coconut oil and follow remaining directions for meat layer, substituting grain for meat in the final mix. Coconut oil can also be substituted in sweet potato mash for a fully vegan dish.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hot Wet Garden Pics

It's almost 80 and on its way to 90 in Chicago today, just following the single heaviest recorded rainfall since 1871. My tomato plants have taken a beating for the last month and aren't looking so lovely, but that doesn't mean there aren't wonderful things happening elsewhere in the yard:

This spotty, mutant robin has been hanging around for a few weeks now. He's not particularly afraid of me or the cats.


Six kinds, all mixed together, in a 4' square.

Cicada, just chilling, on one of the tallest sunflower stalks.

Eggplant, Applegreen. Almost ready for pickin'

Basil: Sweet Italian Large Leaf, Superbo, Thai

Monday, May 30, 2011

Geum Triflorum - Prairie Smoke

Our yard bun Angus.

I am mildly obsessed with my Prairie Smoke, recently acquired. It whips its hair back and forth.

Farmers Breakfast

Up early to work the ground before the heat sets in. Fuel:

Eggs baked in Tomato cups (first-of-the-season hothouse tomatoes from the farmers market), baked 25 minutes @ 425 with salt and pepper.

Steamed Baby Asparagus

Soy Breakfast Sausage

English Muffin!

Monday, May 16, 2011


I am disappoint, Avenue. Why? I witnessed a gruesome Point-of-Sale interaction while in one of your stores on Saturday, and I've officially Had Enough.

But before I take you to task, Avenue, it's important that you know that I am critical of you because I love you. I've been officially in the land of women's plus size clothing for a few years now, and it is generally a huge bummer. I can only buy clothes from Old Navy online, because plus sizes aren't typically stocked in stores. Presumably this is because fatties are unpleasant to look at, and if they were walking around in an Old Navy store and spending their filthy fatty money, it might give non-fatties the idea that Old Navy is a store for fatties, and we can't have that. But Avenue has an actual selection of items that I can try on in-store and usually not feel bad about it. Win!

So that said: Avenue, I have noticed you doing a thing that a lot of the stores are doing these days, and I am troubled by it. Would you jump off a bridge, Avenue, if all the other stores were doing it? So I beseech you: stop with the pushy, point-of-sale add-ons by your increasingly desperate staff. I don't want your credit card. I am already on the email list and I receive your snail mail coupons (I also enjoy saving 30% on my entire purchase, the whole reason I was in one of your stores on Saturday.), and I really do not need any more goddamn magazines, especially ones that require credit card info for the "free" trial that ends after the 3rd issue and then starts automatically charging for the subscription I didn't want in the first place. But whenever this sort of silliness is offered to me, I understand the scam and firmly and consistently say "no."

However, when the customer ahead of me in line is obviously not a native English speaker, and obviously does not understand what she is getting herself in to, I have a problem. And I do not blame the cashier who executed the sign-up maneuver with disturbing slickness, because I am also aware of the growing trend of corporations pushing precisely these sorts of add-ons, and tying employee pay and performance to sign-up quotas. Granted, that is not necessarily a new thing either, but it's gotten really pervasive and insidious and you should not have to financially screw over little old Asian ladies to keep your stupid retail job, so for the love of my size 18 ass, cease and desist with these predatory practices, or sadly, I will take my business elsewhere.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

re: Terror Porn

So Osama bin Laden had porn. So do most people. Can we all agree that OBL having porn is Not A Thing? The overwhelming majority of people yank it and most of them use visual assistance, THE END. Seriously, there are other things we could be talking about, like how awesome The Killing is.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Here's your free market, fzckos. Related.

Republicans Are A-Holes: one, two, three

Republicans are also WATBs.


Water, water everywhere.


So this is bad news.

"Energy" gum?


This guy *has* to be Huell Howser's cousin, right?

Okay, what the hell.

Stoners for science.

PROJECT! Bourbon? Beef? Cream Soda? Possibilities = endless.


Comments on this are great.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Man, y'know what's hilarious? Mentally ill people having public breakdowns and twice as many people laughing and filming the incident instead of actually helping someone subdue the poor naked guy. Double points, of course, for posting the video online for the whole world to enjoy the guy's humiliation. Well done, people.

I am disappoint, US Media. Where is the coverage and analysis, hmm?

Goddamn, Florida.

Old Chicago.

Racism: one, two

Correct message, absolutely wrong messenger.

Baby safes.


I really hope that's Photoshop.


Freedom? FREEDOM!

Little kid destroys the banjo.

Child cats.

brb, need potato

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011


I'm not reflexively opposed to a schooling model like this, but I agree with the commenter who takes NPR to task for their uncritical reporting; it really drives home last week's point of news media essentially having devolved into a delivery system for press releases. Related.

OBL: one, two, three

Really? REALLY?

I continue to love Rachel Maddow.

Comprehensive talking points on Social Security

Labor History: one, two


This is just un-godsdamned-believable.

So, massive genital mutilation parties? Fzck the world.

Bonus: Fzck Catholic Charities.




Insert joke about "artisans who work exclusively in the medium of Gummi" here.

The sort of civil servant I can get behind.

Aww, puppy: one, two




Friday, May 6, 2011

happy friday!

HR3: one, two

Oh Xtians, you are the worst.

David Barton: one, two

Sick: one, two

I am often hyperbolic, but in all seriousness: this is scary as fzck, especially the fertility issue.


The future? One word: Plastics.



Fzck it: silly hats.

Stuff from awesome new site: one, two, three (the last one made my heart asplode)

Beautiful space.

I don't understand how anyone lives in Florida when there are DINOSAURS there that can BITE YOUR CAR.

Lobster: one, two



Thursday, May 5, 2011


Spin Class: one, two, three, four, five

Other things are happening while we talk about OBL: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

Classy. (also)

Insert joke about bloated political fund-raising here.

File Under: Weeping for the Future


OK, so from now on I'll assert that the Chicago position on unemployment is that we can cure it by sacrificing goats.

In the grand scheme of things, this is probably not as bad as some of the stuff we put in food, but still: buy a damn block of cheese and cut or grate yourself, it takes two seconds and your cheese won't have wood pulp in it.

The War on Women: one

THIS x 1000



I am fascinated by crackpot theories in general, but Werner Herzog's really takes the cake. Mind = blown

The timeless genius of Stan Lee.

This reminds me of the North Park Stomach Clinic sign on Milwaukee Avenue, we love it. I tried to find a pic but the sign's hard to see in Google Maps and the practice apparently doesn't have a website, which COME ON it's 2011, if you are a business you need a website, full stop. Seriously, name of business, address and hours, pic of the doctor in a lab coat, links to a couple of articles about ulcers. Boom: website.

Aww! I want to pee on something cool!

100 Movie Insults in 10 Minutes. What's the Brit movie with the "f-star-star-star cznt" quote near the end?

Batman totally *could* whoop Jesus.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


File Under: Suck on That, Bigots

Jobs: one, two

Money is a drug and the folks driving the economy are fully cracked out. More here.

The War on (Young) Women.





TIP OR DIE, fools!

Dear Lord.

cannot unsee


Puppers on Wheels

Finnish Whimsy

This is Hertzfeldt for sure.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Chris Hedges talks some sense.

Further perspectives: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve

Onward, Xtian Soldiers.

Okay, despite last week's protestations, I approve of this as an appropriate use of zombies. Relevant! Shocking! Getting younger people involved!

Okay, leaving aside whether or not this is a good idea from a structural perspective, isn't it also a giant potential security risk? Or is the Pentagon really stoked about getting back to submarine warfare?

STFU, Tex.

The stealth homeless population. I worked with a squatter once but he wasn't stealth about it, in word or aroma.

The internal vs. external locus-of-control point is super interesting. I will be mulling that for a while. People drastically underestimate the potency of dumb luck.

Thinking hopeful thoughts for Cairo.


These animations of yoga poses are really well done and useful.

Word of the Day: panspermia

I heart saucy mayors.

The Willis Test.

More like this, pls.


Monday, May 2, 2011


So we'll be leaving Afghanistan, then?

(also. if you are not on Twitter you are missing out.)

Hey, remember this?

Must Read Education Links: one, two, three

Too furious to even run through the list of things wrong with this.

Yes, America, like a couple on the verge of divorce, can only communicate with Post-Its®.


Seriously, fzck this guy.

More IL pension madness.

Concise and beautiful explanations of climate change. Related.


SCIENCE: one, two

Nerd Topic of the Day: Match the superhero/supervillian to their favorite cocktail.

Tom's pretty excited about the new Randi challenge.

State of Illinois to privatize Asian Carp control, responsibility given to these yahoos. Why not?

I'm struggling to believe that there are men and women out there who will recoil from an unvajazzled vagina, crying brokenly, "but where are the jewels?"

$5 Ninja. Bargain!


Friday, April 29, 2011

happy friday!

Angry Numbers: one, two

This is just fzcking unacceptable, and also further evidence that sexist institutions are way more accepted than racist or otherwise bigoted ones. If covered medical services for black people had been reduced from 82% to 22% in the span of 7 years, Al Sharpton would be rallying people in the streets. Women need an Al Sharpton of their own. Do you think I could pull off that hair?


This book sounds amazing.

Headline of the Day.

Compare and Contrast.

I want to be like Amy Poehler when I grow up.

Fluffy wuffy!


These are so awesome, I would totally have them on my food truck.

Batman be crazy, Star Wars has ennui.

Magic Beans!


What the UCB hath wrought.

This is fzcking genius. (Original)

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Okay, going back to the zombie rant from the other day: this will not be used by people who fear zombies, and framing a design concept like that in that way is beyond obnoxious. Dick Cheney and the Koch Brothers, on the other hand, would totally hole up in evil fortresses like that when the starving masses rise up. All those things need are defense turrets. It's what Roger Ailes' compound should look like. Also.

Hey, how about we not have this argument? First off, it matters more that he's the President, and we should push him to act in our interest regardless, and secondly, the question smacks of the sentiment I disdained when it was coming from the right about how W. wasn't a "real" Republican. Authentic worldview matters a hell of a lot less than the actual business we need to tend to.


We must save Chicago from Rahm Emanuel and the Privateers.

Hot Town Hall Action: one, two

This is completely fzcking fzcked up. Holy sh1t.

The electoral system is broken. More here.

So that's probably not good.


File Under: Gross Metaphors

It is 2011, right? I didn't wake up in 1873 or something?


I don't know if this is cute and I want one, or if I'm simply terrified.

The future is full of goo.

Fzck I love Nick Offerman.


Nerds scare the hell out of me sometimes.

Worst "Let's Agree to Disagree" of the Day. I didn't know you could do that with basic math principles, but hey.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I'm so afraid these will only ever be dreams and not realities. Frankly, I blame Ira Glass. It seems like the Chicago arts scene has been suffering since he bailed on us, and it doesn't help that all the talented arty people all seem to just want to get the hell out of here instead of making art locally, where it's so much more badly needed than California (I'm looking at you, Dan Telfer. If he keeps bashing Chicago I'm going to unfollow him on Twitter, he's breaking my heart).

We are monsters. Am I way off in thinking that schools should be like ERs, everyone welcome who's in need? I mean, come on. ALSO.

Fun, I guess.

AKA, How to Induce a Panic Attack. My mascara (which sucks, and I'm looking to switch brands) ranked 7 out of 10 for neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption. Unfair. I should not have to spend $18 to get the mascara that doesn't give you eyeball cancer.

This seems like a pretty decent idea overall, except that it would unfairly discriminate against folks who couldn't afford a full legal consult. But otherwise, not bad.

This is so fzcking unfair. My chemistry set was awesome.

Rachel Maddow is talking to you, Anderson Cooper.


I actually like this Epic Meal Time better than most of the others, but again: starving children, dammit.


Awesome duck and cat action.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The Gitmo Files: one, two, three, four

WTF "antihelium".

I like this idea. Do it.

Town Hall Follies: one, two

Right Wing Strategery: one, two, three, four, five

More like this, pls.

Lady Ads. I love the Chase & Sanborn one.

The War on Women (and Men): one, two, three, four(!)


I heart Etsy: happy lil owls and whimsy bees.

Monday, April 25, 2011


This interview with Larry Kramer is really thought-provoking (or it was for me, anyway). To what extent should identity politics shape your actions? I totally support traditional forms of activism, but there's also a lot to be said for simply living your life and being a good person to act as a sort of ambassador for gays/atheists/feminists/liberals. It activates The Grandpa Effect in what would otherwise be an intolerant person, e.g. my Grandpa was super racist, but thought the black guys he worked with were good guys*. Familiarity breeds tolerance, not contempt. And progress begins at home, right? It's hard to get motivated to participate in a march and wave a placard in peoples' faces, but it's easy to have a conversation with a neighbor about their lawn.

* - There's a phenomenon that I'm certain exists but I've never see it discussed anywhere, and sadly, we're losing the opportunity to capture it, but I swear there's an impulse among German-Americans who fought the Nazis in WWII (my mom's dad was primarily in North Africa, fighting the Desert Fox) to overcompensate in the patriotism department, a weird side effect of that being a pronounced xenophobia. Now that I think of it, the possible threat of internment a la the Japanese-Americans probably had a good bit to do with it, but still.

Healthcare, Money, and You: one, two, three

Fracked: one, two

This is gross and wrong. More "1984 in Action" historical revisionism happening here.

Consumerism is bad for healthcare: one, two

The War on Women: one, two

Troublemaking Socialist Dogs ad Beavers.




Yeah. Everyone have a good Easter?

Lil Thor!

Awesome Bear! (via)

Cuteness in Black and White: one, two, three (bonus IRL Simon's Cat)

Aww: one, two


This is NSFW. It is a rap tribute to "t1tties and carrot cake". It's not quite as awesome as "Smell Yo D1ck" but it's close. "I think she wants my carrot cake, but I just wanna show my nuts" is my favorite line, although the girl rapper's whole verse is pretty amazing. Whatever your personal feelings on carrot cake may be, prepare to have that perception altered somewhat.

Friday, April 22, 2011

happy friday!

Illinois Pension Reform. It's happening, people. Hold on to your butts. (Srsly, debate in comments are great on this extremely terrifying subject)

Guy with PR problems hangs out with other guy with PR problems, news at 11.

Tummy bugs. I'm fascinated by this research.

I have no idea (though I'd guess the auto/gas industry is a big part of it), but there should be a Google Translate function to autoconvert whole recipes because the non-US food blogs make me do math and that's fun for no one.

This means Mattttt's next car could self-immolate in a whole new, Pink-Floyd-y kind of way. Awesome!

So now would be a really good time to cut sex ed and contraception funding, right?

Yes, because legality is meaningless if what you need is rendered inaccessible by manipulation and bureaucracy.

File Under: American Ingenuity

Hey, so that's a little creepy.

Pfft! Where is "doin' it with lots of French ladies"?

cannot unsee

Kitties (and doggies): one, two

Baby bears!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Well DUH.

Glimpses of the Future: one, two, three

Since the majority of US workers are paid by the hour, I would've like to see that included here for good measure, not that the math is difficult (annual salary divided by 2080, total hours worked/paid out to a full time employee at 40 hours/week). The top earner, for example, makes $40,625 per hour, while the lowest earner makes a measly $3,798 per hour. The top earner also earns more in one hour than 51,463,000 households earned in a year, and that's according to the 2005 census data on Wikipedia, so you know it's even worse now.

Ramps! Who's eaten these? I've never seen them in stores and now I'm thinking about starting a patch in next year's garden.


Good sign/bad sign?


The War on Women: one, two, three, four

Pretty sure the new CPS head makes me wanna barf.

I hate Illinois Nazis.

Oh the huge manatees: one, two



MBMBaM Live! The ALF stuff they did still broke me, even on the second listen. And you can totally see Tom for half a second at the half hour mark.


Okay, for reals: who wants to go to Chinatown sometime for dim sum? Because OM NOM NOM.

Bonus food nonsense: potatoes, Cadbury creme eggs, eggburger

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Can we all agree that these sorts of discussions are godsdamned ridiculous and people who start with this sort of thing should be openly mocked? We have an advanced, civilized culture that allows for leisure time and ergo, sitting. This is a good thing. I daresay, without having the alternative experience for comparison, that I prefer an existence that involves a fair amount of sitting rather than, say, spending large portions of my day running from large predators in the wilderness. Also, everything dies at some point and even if sitting is the enemy and you never sat down again for the rest of your life you would still die, so calm the fzck down and go eat some ice cream or play with a puppy or something, for pete's sake.


More on Michigan.

Tax the Rich, save the world. Or at least the middle class.

Oh Alan Keyes, you are your own punchline.

Science Science. (related)

Every once in a while the racists really take my breath away. Also.

Our awesome discourse.




Have I mentioned lately how much I completely love Jocelyn Elders?

This is one of the better TED talks I've seen in a long time.

This is odd but kind of adorable.

What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?

Yeah. But Laurie Kilmartin is the Conan writer and she's equal to four peoples' worth of funny. I love her.


Kitties! (the gray one is the best)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Rachel Maddow covers a story getting barely any notice. Recap if you can't see the video right away: Michigan and Rick Snyder are using the new state's "financial martial law" to dissolve the town of Benton Harbor, a town that happens to be nearly 90% black and overwhelmingly poor, and replace it with a giant golf course and a bunch of McMansions. The land to be developed for the project includes a small, public beachfront park that was gifted to the town of Benton Harbor by the Klock family in loving memory of their deceased daughter. They asked, when the park was dedicated, that it always be preserved for children of the town.

Taxes: one, two, three, four

I love wordcloud analysis.

Daily Dose of Sanity from Paul Krugman.

I have no idea if this would actually be anything other than a money pit. *I* certainly don't have a burning need for a velodrome.

I am disappoint,VegNews.

I honestly don't know what to make of this, but I don't think I approve. But I can't say why.


Sleepy noms.


Cookie the Penguin. : )

Monday, April 18, 2011


Fzcking SNOW? Are you kidding me?


This is just embarrassing. I was not necessarily a fan of JJJ before, but that sort of nonsense puts him squarely in Ted Stevens, "series of tubes" territory. But I suppose it wouldn't be a day ending in -y if a Democrat *didn't* make me cringe. Also.

The GOP is a fzcking joke: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

Well, obviously. Also. ALSO.

I love me some Krugman.

Ah, crap.

CPD! CPS! Chicago morons!

The War on Women, cont'd.

Bonus: the War on Science.


I disapprove of this. She should be in prison for war crimes, not on one of my favorite TV shows.


Um, okay.

Sweet Jeebus, Food Network, crap like this is why I don't watch you any more. All of those shows, particularly the ones involving travel, have to be so much more expensive than an actual cooking show with a simple set. WHY.

Headline of the Day.

So, have we reached the bottom of the barrel now?

WTF Craigslist: one, two

Please Please Please...?

Kitties: one, two, three

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I did a bunch of garden prep work yesterday (peas and beets are going in next week, and yes I deliberately chose the "Feisty Peas.")! I raked back 4 inches of topsoil and dug several large holes, all the way down to the clay. Then Cash sat in one of the holes, which was deep enough that just his head was poking out like a groundhog and it was freaking adorable. Then I made this thing for dinner. Between playing in the dirt and rolling out a pie crust, I felt like a freaking pioneer superwoman or something. Point being I was not Internet-adjacent for most of the day so the round up's a little light. And I will probably be taking tomorrow off, because today's agenda mostly involves more dirt and a few power tools.


Save Bradley Manning.

Almost certainly yes.

Taxes, in burritos and beers.


Found my spirit animal.

Why was I not informed earlier that there is a Red Panda Sex Fund at the Lincoln Park Zoo?

Um, okay.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hey! I finished Good Omens yesterday and it was *really* good. It's been forever since I read some fun, engaging fiction. Then I knocked out The Body Artist by Don Delillo after dinner and I'm not sure I totally understood it but it was fine enough.


"A senior United Nations representative on torture, Juan Mendez, issued a rare reprimand to the US government on Monday for failing to allow him to meet in private Bradley Manning, the American soldier accused of being the WikiLeaks source and held in a military prison. It is the kind of censure the UN normally reserves for authoritarian regimes around the world."

Wisconsin: one, two, three

Oh goody.

This is awesome. One answer to his question re: why kids' books don't do the same thing anymore--because we've given up on class mobility and the idea that kids can grow up to be a doctor or whatever instead of praying for a cashier's job at Walmart.

Corollary to the above: no one ever says they want to be a junkie who gets beat up in fetish videos when they grow up.

There's a tremendous difference between taxing the things that make people fat and taxing people for being fat. Guess which option is stupid and hateful?

Surreal. I don't even know what to say anymore.

Fzck this guy.


Hmph. First of all, I am reminded of the David Cross quote about how you can't live in artistic integrity. Also, way to marginalize and dismiss all the non-Westernized artists who are producing in absence of marketing departments, and sometimes indoor plumbing. I find Banksy whimsical and all, but are we about done with all this now? ALSO: to sh1t on Marketing/PR folks, when like 90% of the appeal of Banksy's art is the stuntlike anonymity....you may need your hipster ironymeter recalibrated, is all I'm saying.

Bonus: subversive literature

Approve or Disapprove? I have never had strong opinions on the Crow.


This is how little girls join the Dark Side. I'm sure this sort of thing helps.

This is gonna be in my head all day.

WHAT. The 70s were so weird.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Killing the Poor: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

Destroying Public Schools: one, two, three

When does non-vaccination become child abuse?

Don't tell the U.S. what it can't do: one, two  #Lost

FZCK (also) (ALSO)

I don't approve of this policy, but if you're called on to justify it, at least try to claim it's in the name of protecting the kids with peanut allergies or something. Otherwise it just sounds like you're calling the parents crappy and that's bad PR. Also: Whoa!

DC Mayor arrested for protesting budget cuts: one, two

The War on Women: one, two, three, four, five

Power is from Mars, Magic is from Venus

Oh Canada...

Awesome! I was starting to miss Erik being smug about buying a Prius. : P

Infuriating trend, though one of the commenters is right that it's not Blockbuster's fault. Does anyone want to take bets on how long it will be until Big Hollywood implodes from their own shenanigans?

aka, What About My Right to be an Ignorant Bigot?

Sweet Lady Irony.

Wisdom: one, two



Heck Yeah