Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I'm so afraid these will only ever be dreams and not realities. Frankly, I blame Ira Glass. It seems like the Chicago arts scene has been suffering since he bailed on us, and it doesn't help that all the talented arty people all seem to just want to get the hell out of here instead of making art locally, where it's so much more badly needed than California (I'm looking at you, Dan Telfer. If he keeps bashing Chicago I'm going to unfollow him on Twitter, he's breaking my heart).

We are monsters. Am I way off in thinking that schools should be like ERs, everyone welcome who's in need? I mean, come on. ALSO.

Fun, I guess.

AKA, How to Induce a Panic Attack. My mascara (which sucks, and I'm looking to switch brands) ranked 7 out of 10 for neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption. Unfair. I should not have to spend $18 to get the mascara that doesn't give you eyeball cancer.

This seems like a pretty decent idea overall, except that it would unfairly discriminate against folks who couldn't afford a full legal consult. But otherwise, not bad.

This is so fzcking unfair. My chemistry set was awesome.

Rachel Maddow is talking to you, Anderson Cooper.


I actually like this Epic Meal Time better than most of the others, but again: starving children, dammit.


Awesome duck and cat action.


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