Monday, April 25, 2011


This interview with Larry Kramer is really thought-provoking (or it was for me, anyway). To what extent should identity politics shape your actions? I totally support traditional forms of activism, but there's also a lot to be said for simply living your life and being a good person to act as a sort of ambassador for gays/atheists/feminists/liberals. It activates The Grandpa Effect in what would otherwise be an intolerant person, e.g. my Grandpa was super racist, but thought the black guys he worked with were good guys*. Familiarity breeds tolerance, not contempt. And progress begins at home, right? It's hard to get motivated to participate in a march and wave a placard in peoples' faces, but it's easy to have a conversation with a neighbor about their lawn.

* - There's a phenomenon that I'm certain exists but I've never see it discussed anywhere, and sadly, we're losing the opportunity to capture it, but I swear there's an impulse among German-Americans who fought the Nazis in WWII (my mom's dad was primarily in North Africa, fighting the Desert Fox) to overcompensate in the patriotism department, a weird side effect of that being a pronounced xenophobia. Now that I think of it, the possible threat of internment a la the Japanese-Americans probably had a good bit to do with it, but still.

Healthcare, Money, and You: one, two, three

Fracked: one, two

This is gross and wrong. More "1984 in Action" historical revisionism happening here.

Consumerism is bad for healthcare: one, two

The War on Women: one, two

Troublemaking Socialist Dogs ad Beavers.




Yeah. Everyone have a good Easter?

Lil Thor!

Awesome Bear! (via)

Cuteness in Black and White: one, two, three (bonus IRL Simon's Cat)

Aww: one, two


This is NSFW. It is a rap tribute to "t1tties and carrot cake". It's not quite as awesome as "Smell Yo D1ck" but it's close. "I think she wants my carrot cake, but I just wanna show my nuts" is my favorite line, although the girl rapper's whole verse is pretty amazing. Whatever your personal feelings on carrot cake may be, prepare to have that perception altered somewhat.

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