Thursday, May 5, 2011


Spin Class: one, two, three, four, five

Other things are happening while we talk about OBL: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

Classy. (also)

Insert joke about bloated political fund-raising here.

File Under: Weeping for the Future


OK, so from now on I'll assert that the Chicago position on unemployment is that we can cure it by sacrificing goats.

In the grand scheme of things, this is probably not as bad as some of the stuff we put in food, but still: buy a damn block of cheese and cut or grate yourself, it takes two seconds and your cheese won't have wood pulp in it.

The War on Women: one

THIS x 1000



I am fascinated by crackpot theories in general, but Werner Herzog's really takes the cake. Mind = blown

The timeless genius of Stan Lee.

This reminds me of the North Park Stomach Clinic sign on Milwaukee Avenue, we love it. I tried to find a pic but the sign's hard to see in Google Maps and the practice apparently doesn't have a website, which COME ON it's 2011, if you are a business you need a website, full stop. Seriously, name of business, address and hours, pic of the doctor in a lab coat, links to a couple of articles about ulcers. Boom: website.

Aww! I want to pee on something cool!

100 Movie Insults in 10 Minutes. What's the Brit movie with the "f-star-star-star cznt" quote near the end?

Batman totally *could* whoop Jesus.

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