Wednesday, April 6, 2011


This is a good point, but my major problem with the Coupon Show (related) is that there are never coupons for like, apples or dried beans or bulk rice. It's always processed, heavily marketed crap (usually with an excess of wasteful packaging), at least as far as food coupons are concerned. Coupons for non-food items like trash bags or cleaning supplies are almost a separate discussion of marketing voodoo vs. generic products of equal quality for half the price, or homemade cleaning hacks.

Okay, WOW.

I'm sure that's all perfectly reasonable and Constitutional.

Good news, everyone!

Ha, suck on that, healthy people.

Koch Talking Points.

File Under: Things That Should Be Real


I am really not OK with this. The collateral damage potential is far too great.

I need shorthand for "thing that made me so instantly mad that I shouted an obscenity and startled at least one of the cats." Because THIS.


Where do people stand on smoothies? I am way intrigued by recipes like this. I'm looking to branch out from the standard banana+yogurt+frozen fruit+honey+juice/milk thing, and magic nuts and seeds and powders sound fun. And this egg quesadilla recipe is blowing my mind right now. Also really into farro , and chana dal in basically every form (mmm deep fried).

File Under: Understatements

This made me think of that.

Patton Oswalt in a Diaper. (probably NSFW)

What the hell?



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