Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My brothers and sisters: People who work for the the TSA are not witches. They're you. They're [mostly] regular folks who were desperate for a job. While I understand the sentiment of the restaurant folks, unless you're able to pointedly discriminate against the handful of folks at the very top of the TSA, a ban on serving TSA employees is the functional equivalent of the rabble fighting amongst itself while the rich watch and laugh and continue to sh1t on our future because we're too busy arguing with each other to go after the real bad guys. I can haz Solidarity pls?

Morning Musics: one, two (there's at least one verse missing from this version of the song, and it's my favorite: "Is there ought we hold in common with the greedy parasite / who would lash us into serfdom and would crush us with his might / Is there anything left to us / But to organize and fight / For the Union keeps us strong")

Holy crap, if this kid is the future, the future is gonna be AWESOME. (this kid too)

Wisconsin: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

But there's totally no stigma attached to mental illness or seeking treatment.

MUST WATCH: Rachel Maddow does amazing work: one, two

Can I get an Amen?

Some further perspectives on Lara Logan's assault: one, two


Oh for fzcks' sake, Texas.

I voted Republican because.....

My eyes!!

Food Pr0n: one, two

Very Meta. She should be in a band with the Nirvana Nevermind kid and the Bee Girl instead.

How to Twirl Your Tassles (nsfw). I would love an explanation of the anatomy+physics.

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