Thursday, February 3, 2011


On prison tourism. I did the actual Tower of London tour, which is kinda dark but also includes a chapel and some other non-prison things; I particularly enjoyed that they drained the moat, planted it with grass, and they have deer or gazelle that live down there now. I did not opt for the cheeseball Tower of London Torture! tour across the street that has an actual Iron Maiden or something in it. It is just as weird and unsettling that St. Paul's cathedral has an underground "Catacomb Cafe" though.

We're just not a civilized society anymore.

The ongoing War on Women: one, two

Fzck Mark Kirk.


The stupid, it burns so brightly.

This is huge amounts of crap.

WHOA. I am worried about the koalas and wombats and people.



Sea Dragons.

Shark Week! Or just "Crap Your Pants Shark Afternoon".

Why is this a thing? WHY?

This kid is outstanding.

This is my new most favorite thing of all time.

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