Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Happy Primary Day! Since I'll be exercising my right to vote today, let's celebrate the waning days of our democracy with a little debate. Resolved: Democratic officials (Obama, House and Senate Dems, Dem Governors) need to stand the fzck up right now and release statements of support for the people of Wisconsin AND collective bargaining rights, and if they don't, we need to primary them from the left when they're up for re-election. Obama hasn't said crap about it and neither have most Dems (other than Pat Quinn refusing to put on a Packers jersey and go to up there for his photo op per the gubernatorial football bet; he'll wait for a more "appropriate time." Don't call Pat Quinn a welcher!) The progressive community NEEDS to demand their support, both to confirm whose side they're on and to counterbalance the likes of Santorum and Fox News. It's time to demand a show of solidarity from our Dems to stand with the people, and noise and demonstration is pretty much the only thing we've got against the Kochs' money.


Seriously, how the fzck is this not a giant headline? The more I think about that, the angrier I get. It's dizzying.

Wisconsin/Koch Bros./Class Warfare Update: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

Krugman: Power to the People.

Tim DeChristopher: one, two (I just heard about this even though it's not necessarily new)

This guy is awesome +1.

I don't love this but I don't hate it either.

Hey, this is stupid and awful.

The new Britney Spears video. There's an uncanny valley effect happening with her entire lower half, it doesn't look real.

I am actually sorta interested in reading this.

Denny's vs. IHOP



Business Cat is all Business.

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