Monday, February 28, 2011


MUST READ: The handiest charts you'll see today. This one's pretty good too, and some bonus Fun Facts.

Y'know....given how racist we know our penal system and our incarceration rates to be, one could make a pretty good argument, I think, that we're sort of re-institutionalizing slavery with sh1t like this. To say nothing of the fact that with something like underwater welding, you're depriving an actual, skilled welder somewhere of paying work (but screw that guy because he's probably in a union that negotiated a fair wage for him anyway), and incentivizing increased incarceration rates, creating more free laborers that deprive even more actual workers of income. Programs like this literally screw everyone except the people who own the prisons and who use the free labor. Which isn't really "free" so much as "tax payer subsidized", FZCK this makes me angry.

The amount of joy I have in my heart for this is quantifiable as roughly equivalent to three Christmases, two birthdays, fourteen puppies and 80 chocolate chip cookies. I'm doing a happy dance. If he actually goes to jail I'll asplode with smiles.

Wisconsin/Labor: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight

Awesome AZ.

Chicago 'Burbs Gone Wild: one, two


Ladybusiness: one, two, three

Krugman: so on point it's really depressing.

Awesome. Pam Geller is the worst.

Fzck you, Rick Scott.

South Dakota was a battle, not the war.


Lucky jerks.

If you don't love Louis CK you're beyond redemption. The man should get a Congressional Medal of Honor for this. "Hear the silence of his non-answering!"


Amazing Art.


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