Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Morning Music!

"Mike Rosen, an executive with a media agency, explains that ads that mimic shows viewers really like help transfer the positive feelings people have about those shows to the products being advertised on them." NO. The opposite of this. Nothing made me stabbier than those damn faux Mad Men commercials. The old advertising philosophy was specifically NOT to do this because it interrupted suspension of disbelief and therefore the enjoyment to be had from watching a TV show, especially in soap operas, because so many low-level soap actors supplement their income with commercials and it was assumed that placing those commercials within the soap hour would "confuse" housewives. But it's not like this is a new thing, I'm pretty sure the Evangeline Lilly hair product ads ran during the last two seasons of LOST, or at least the final one. Bravo also does that tricksy sh1t where they insert a 15 second video clip from the show (they do it with Top Chef every week) in the middle of the half hour double commercial break. TV people: you are killing yourselves with this nonsense. All commercials should be delightful and whimsical, like the instant classic Pink Batts ad.


I say we offer up Rod Blagojevich vs. a drunken cheesemonger of the governor's choosing for an MMA cage match. That way EVERYBODY wins.

I've been asking the same thing for a while now, Bob.


What the fzck? Isn't this unconstitutional?

Okay, seriously, what the FZCK?

Sh1t, I sort of agree with David Brooks. Still, I can't help but think that he simply couldn't pass up the opportunity to sh1t on an intelligent, accomplished woman.

I don't totally agree with this proposed 28th amendment, but it's a good starting point.

Fzck Florida.

Ooh, this is going to start a thing. Read up on your correlation vs. causation, people.

Acorn does not equal oak tree.

Snakes! Why did it have to be snakes? Why so many drunken, hedonistic snakes? (Sorry, my funny tank needs a refill)

wee squee!

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