Monday, January 3, 2011


Must Click of the Day. I'm mulling a longer written piece on a particular bit of cognitive dissonance practiced by the Right that's been bothering me, but it's not fully formed yet. But my basic thesis is that corporate personhood is inconsistent with the conservative fetish for Rugged Individualism. If you want to embrace an Individualist philosophy because you like paying lower taxes that's cool, but then you should also be working to undo corporate personhood so individuals who fzck up are held responsible accordingly, yes? Right now what they want, and what they mostly get, from our stupid legal system, is most of the benefits and none of the drawbacks of Individualism/Populism/Whathaveyou. All I'm asking is a little consistency in the douchitude.


I am disappointed that Chris Farley isn't still around to play this guy on SNL. (more here) I totally thought about Bilandic too.

This sounds ominous as hell. Apparently the collapse of the US empire will pay homage to the Romans and the Greeks.

That whole "don't look back, move forward" thing is working really great, huh?

Has anyone here read Nixonland? I think I need to.

Child Abuse Revisionism.

File Under: Bad Ideas, Possibly Worse Ideas

Our cultural attitudes toward sex are ridiculous. Related: If I am an "elegant machine", you are the biggest tool in the universe.


2011 is awesome already: Pie is the New Cupcake!!!

Click through for verbal gorgeousness.

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