Friday, October 8, 2010

happy friday!

Happy Fall, Fools!

Misogyny 2.0.

CoC shenanigans.

John McCain: D-bag.

"Second-class religions" may be forthcoming in CA.


I love this. If I used it as a template for a job description at our place, bullet points would include--answering an incoming call, scheduling a post op appointment, and completing paperwork for DME at the same time, being yelled at for not correctly following a policy that was provoked by an incident, created and put in place that morning or may not in fact exist at all, and wondering if a career bagging groceries could be considered a "lateral move."

Related: Edward Mike Davis sounds like a treat.

The Tea Party hates puppies.

Please don't.


Animals: Cows, chart, new Simon's Cat!!

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