Monday, July 5, 2010

Food Blogging Ahead

Ordering a new digital camera today so I can share pics of the garden and stuff I make from the garden. We found our first two wee little tomatillos on the vine this morning, and we've got little green tomatoes and peppers all over. Having a garden is pretty much the best thing evar, excepting the side effect of Tom's sunburnt neck, which hurts like the dickens.

I wish I'd had a camera to take some shots of the frozen yogurt pops I just made:

Berry Fig Frozen Yogurt Pops

I used these molds because they're BPA free and totally sweet. I'm pretty sure I'm going to pick up another set in a groovy shape like these or these. Fzcking rocket ships, why are they so awesome? So proportions are meant for six 1/2 cup molds.

2 Cups of Greek Style Yogurt
1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract (to taste)
1/2 Cup berries--I used blueberries and black raspberries
1/2 Cup fresh figs, torn into pieces
2 Tablespoons Honey, or more to taste

Stir everything together until well mixed, trying to leave fruit chunks and berries intact if possible. Does it taste delicious? Pack the mix into your freezer molds and chill until set.

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