Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I made a frozen dessert and I'm not sure what it is. The mix that went into the ice cream maker was 2/3 mango puree and 1/3 greek yogurt (with a little lime juice and honey). So it's not really yogurt-y enough to qualify as frozen yogurt. Sorbet doesn't have dairy in it. Sherbet? Gelato? Whatever it is, it's like, boom: MANGO. Also, the next time Top Chef does a prep/knife skills challenge, they should skip onions and have the chefs break down mangoes, those things are slippery little jerks.

Wisconsin: one, two

I dunno, I'd call this capitalism at work.


Confrontation can be healthy. Let's go for it.

(if you're not feeling particularly violent yet, this should help)

We're #3! Woo or something.

A genius analogy.


Hmm. The clinic has an office location at Foster and California, and the doctor who works there is a d0uche-on-wheels. I would be extremely amused if he were beset upon by coyotes. And also there's a church and grade school at that intersection, so maybe get on that sh1t.

Hedgehog! Tom has a box set of Soviet animation and it's *awesome*.

This is really lovely.



I love this woman. Is there cheese sauce on me?

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