Thursday, March 24, 2011


OKAY: If sh1t like this is "funny," we need some black candidates in the pool for the chief of police job. Granted, we should have some in the pool irrespective to racist cartoons, but seriously people.

And yet again I renew my argument for a tech-friendliness litmus test for public officeholders. That is pathetic.

It's hard to rewrite history when you've got pictures of it all over the place.

File Under: Kill the Poor, Schools, Chris Christie is a Piece of Sh1t
RIAA sues for more money than exists in the world, is told to go to hell.

So....this is fun.

Eh, penguins are jerks anyway, right? /cry

This is just screamingly funny. But this? It's going to take so much booze to get that image out of my head.

The Feline Menace!!


I am pretty sure you can still get wasted and watch Van Helsing with a bunch of puppies.

Reddit poster bigwax destroys the rest of your day.

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