Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Can we all agree that these sorts of discussions are godsdamned ridiculous and people who start with this sort of thing should be openly mocked? We have an advanced, civilized culture that allows for leisure time and ergo, sitting. This is a good thing. I daresay, without having the alternative experience for comparison, that I prefer an existence that involves a fair amount of sitting rather than, say, spending large portions of my day running from large predators in the wilderness. Also, everything dies at some point and even if sitting is the enemy and you never sat down again for the rest of your life you would still die, so calm the fzck down and go eat some ice cream or play with a puppy or something, for pete's sake.


More on Michigan.

Tax the Rich, save the world. Or at least the middle class.

Oh Alan Keyes, you are your own punchline.

Science Science. (related)

Every once in a while the racists really take my breath away. Also.

Our awesome discourse.




Have I mentioned lately how much I completely love Jocelyn Elders?

This is one of the better TED talks I've seen in a long time.

This is odd but kind of adorable.

What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?

Yeah. But Laurie Kilmartin is the Conan writer and she's equal to four peoples' worth of funny. I love her.


Kitties! (the gray one is the best)

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