Monday, December 27, 2010


Must-Click of the Day: I agree in principle on focusing on a "basic economic worldview" but I don't really see how you can separate that from "identity politics." SPK cites "economic and educational inequality" as one of the "true evils" that needs to be addressed, but how could you craft a philosophy addressing those inequalities that *doesn't* consider the racism and sexism issues he dismisses as boondoggles in the previous sentence? I'm guessing he's thinking of policies like the CPS test balloon floated last year re: shifting public school student placement/distribution from a race-based model to a household-income model. There were instantaneous cries of Racism! that had to be addressed when talking about the policy, so even if racism or sexism aren't directly addressed within a given policy proposal, they'll still need to be acknowledged and discussed at some point. You can't just avoid the issues that make people reactionary when you're talking radical economic policy change. Alternate example: I'd consider one of our bigger problems right now (after the Wars and staving off catastrophic entitlement reforms) to be the huge-and-growing prison industry. How the fzck do you talk about sensible prison reform without talking about racism, immigration policy, and prison rape culture? I don't know if it's possible.


Yeah, the west side's pretty nice, sure would be a shame if something happened to it. Better get behind Rahm now or suffer the consequences.

Post-mortems on the Net Neutrality compromise: one, two


Re: the notion of a "statute of limitations"--fzck you, Howard Kurtz. The experience and wisdom that comes with age means you have even LESS of an excuse to be a bigot, not more.

The phrase "doubling paid maternity leave" really stuck out for me. I can has, pls?


Of *course* he did. And "of course" part two.


Somebody put something in Pat Robertson's coffee.

Whoever put this video together had to have suffered brain damage, right?

This doesn't strike me as comprehensive but it's a nice overview.

STFU conservatives is one of my new favorite sites: one, two

Ooh, I want one of these.

This looks really, really good.

I have puppy fever something fierce. Should we get a dog, perhaps specifically this one or this one? I love both their wee faces.

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