Monday, December 20, 2010


Must Click of the Day: "A Serbian man reportedly has become a hero in Egypt -- by accidentally killing a shark with his butt while drunk."


I have a very simple question about this story that it does not address--how the fzck did people think it was OK to hand over their insurance card to some random stranger in a mall? You should never provide your insurance info to anyone other than a doctor or pharmacist, that's how medical ID theft (or fraud, in this case) happens. Morons!

I honestly don't know if I'm more terrified or appalled. The message implied in giving Bachmann Joe McCarthy's old chair is staggering.

I hadn't heard about the child marriage house bill before, and Jill's totally on point about how completely fzcked up it is that the Legislature is all but void of human decency at this point.

Holy crap this makes me want to be violent.

Okay, at least our evangelicals aren't burning Santa in effigy.


Your Back to the Future reunion does not include Crispin Glover, your argument is invalid.

Top Science of 2010

Simple sheer genius.

A roundup of Ricky Gervais to improve your Monday. Pug pug!



There's a new Don Hertzfeldt cartoon! And it is unraveling my head!

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