Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Karl Rove is a lying piece of dogsh1t, but you already knew that.

Funny how that works.

The "skills shortage" is a lie.

Prescience defined.


File Under: Things That Make You Wish You Didn't Have Eyes

I'm somewhat divided on how the payout shakes out on this. In one sense, the kids/parents/schools could really use that money and the lawyer's a greedy d-bag, but on the other hand, the case handles some relatively uncharted legal territory and the lawyer(s) probably did put a good bit of time into the case. Anybody else have an opinion?

THIS, pls.

A highly subjective subject, but nonetheless: *maybe* five of these songs belong on the list. Where is this (NSFW)? It's totally the bookend to "Song for the Dumped"! And country-western music isn't represented at all...


Totally didn't realize this was a thing until the very end of the episode. Effing genius.

Um...I think you are thinking of something else. Maybe. I hope.

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