Tuesday, August 31, 2010


New Mantra: "Keeping an open mind is not the same as wasting time over stupidities."


The Orcus Patera.

See, this is why I like Chicago/IL Dems. Sure, there's rampant nepotism, but at least there's something for the little guy too.

The anti-comics archive is open!

Progress in treating exposure to Agent Orange.

All about whooping cough. ("Don't call it a comeback...")

File Under: Laugh, or Cry?

Cue rightwing cries of "Get over it, already!"

But I *really* hate Pam Geller. And most other people.

Uh, what?

Hacks! Some are dumb, some are not.



Monday, August 30, 2010


All that needs to be said about Glenn Beck's nonsense.

"The United States is going backwards, a regression that will become permanent if something isn't done about it."

File Under: Unconstitutional Bullsh1t

Fzck you, fzck them and fzck that.

But...but...that's socialism!

Horrifying statistics.

Good song. (This one's pretty good too.)

Burgers: one and two

Now you know.

Happy cat stuff with Marc Maron. And more foofy kitties here!


Friday, August 27, 2010

happy friday!

Hey, that's totally inappropriate!

Hateful Things: one and two

Bizarre and awful. What are we doing over there?


Image of the Day.

It's not like I love the Taste or anything, but if privatization is being considered, how 'bout you just don't do it anymore?

Just like the ridiculous amounts of money women spend on hair stuff and makeup when they still make 73 cents to every man's dollar, I can't flog issues like stupid, hurty shoes enough.

Really nice endorsement of the Paris Review. I have this bound collection and it's spectacular.


The zombies are coming to ruin your picnics!



Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Or, Why Public Opinion as a Basis for Policy Can Suck It.

Hey Alan Simpson, fzck you. And as usual, fzck Glenn Beck. Probably more than usual for Beck.

Self Fulfilling Prophecy in Motion--step one: Rightwing claims Obama is a fascist who wants to institute martial law, step two: Rightwing creates horrible violence, step three: Obama is forced to institute martial law and Glenn Beck's head explodes.

Well yeah, because we wouldn't want a bunch of autistic chickens running around, right? /eyeroll

All about Trader Joe's.

Huh. Okay.

I love tomatoes.

The snowball fight is my new wallpaper.

New: Put This On!

Justin is right, orange kitties are the best.

Rocket, I'm taking a rocket, I'm packing my suitcase, Hey look out moon....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Love Tomatoes

I love tomatoes.

Purple Tomatillos

Yellow Pears, Red Cherries, and Purple Tomatillos

Tomatoes and Peppers!

Green Zebra Tomatoes.

Yellow Pear Tomatoes in Oil, pre-confit

Gorgeous Yellow Pear Tomato Confit

Confit, hot out the oven! The oil is still bubbly.

Green Zebras get cozy with peppers and mushrooms.


Still not enough by half.

Holy fzcking sh1t.

Oh good.

The spread of Reaganitis amongst the Bush former admins is amazing.

Conspiracies! You're paranoid because you're right.

"If only Jefferson et al had the truly infinite wisdom that people are inherently lazy bastards."

Atlas barfs when he reads Pam Geller. Also: wow.

But at least it's still slightly sh1ttier in China.

Helpful, cuddly little microbes.

Everything you know is wrong, hippie!

Love this. It really would be good yoga/meditation noise.


This is my blogging knife!

SMASH. (Jason, you may want to skip this one)

Everything is ruined forever!

Cranky Owl! Happy Seals! Angry Michael Ian Black! Old School Dave Chapelle!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


More like this, pls.


So this is kind of fzcked up. And this is pretty fzcked up too. Basically everything is pretty seriously fzcked up.

Pure Evil: one and two

Screw electronic voting, purple thumbs for everyone! (As I was typing that, I totally said it in my head as Kang/Kodos)

So that's probably a terrible omen of some kind.

Everything about this is utterly unsurprising and that makes me sad.


On The Green Book.

WTF indeed.

Man, I am SO GLAD we're not bothering with anything awesome like this.



Monday, August 23, 2010


I really don't care how much it costs, stop putting sh1t in the river.


Wow. More here.

File Under: Eating Their Own

Our Fzcked Media.

More like Hickenlooper, pls.

Just say no to President Mitch.

Yay pension reform!

I heart the police state.

Math in the teevee.

Humming this all day.



Scratching an adorable itch.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


The round up is taking Friday OFF!

The sad state of strikes.



On prosperity: one and two

Our Fzcked Media.

Hey Ladies....

Effing cobwebs!

Donald Rumsfeld on a Unicycle.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Pathetic. If you're even thinking about running for office, have your URLs purchased before you even announce.

Or you could ask them RELEVANT questions about why so many Islamophobes live in our suburbs, but hey....

Driftglass on Blagojevich. (Eleven to fzcking ONE, btw)

So that's fzcking scary.

Parent of the Day.


The commenters insisting that this guy needs his own cooking show/Youtube Series are so, so right.

I want to go to there.

File Under: Incredibly Cute Things that Will Make You Grin Like a Fool

Nice. Considering some of the work Matt Taibbi's done lately, is Rolling Stone going to try to pivot to a current events, Mother-Jones-lite kind of focus? I can't recall the last time I gave a crap about any of their music journalism.

Baby Otter!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Yeah, and concurrent with this, let's revisit the Chris Benoit story too, shall we? Because I'm pretty sure that 'roids helped out a little there, too.

And this exact talking point couldn't possibly be applied to the GOP and defense contractors....

Well how 'bout that? Also: this.

So this is horrible.

Revisionist history is sickening.

Point-Counterpoint on Ravinia.

More like this, pls.

Update: justice!

Mainly I enjoy that the writer's name is Oliver Wang.

I think any or all of these could easily be mistaken for LOST sets.

File Under: Damn Kids.

A pair of pretty rad-looking caterpillars.

Happy Families.

Daily Devotional.

Monday, August 16, 2010


This is at least three different kinds of confusing.

The fact that there is an organized group named Stop Islamization of America is so depressing.

Dude! State level politics are so sordid.

The Dr. Laura audio. I haven't heard the full audio, just read the transcript, and it gets worse after the break.

Crazyheads: Peter King, Louie Gohmert

(heavy sigh)


Otter likes to rock.

Hey, this might not suck!

Friday, August 13, 2010

happy friday!

On propaganda.

Think some happy, healthy thoughts for Dick Durbin!


File Under: History, Repeating, Doomed


Not okay. Okay. IOKIYAR.

Yay (kind of)!

Disturbingly plausible.

Yeah! Some kids infiltrated the AFTAH Truth Academy: part one here.

Fzcking DEXTER! I *knew* I recognized the voice in those commercials, I just couldn't figure out who it was. Also, nice with the invisible monkey thing.

Amazing street art.

Cat rocks out, puppers goes for a swim!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Mutant canola.

The latest buzz.

Big Gay Mosque Whatever. It's all childish nonsense.

On Gibbs' "inartfulness": one and two

Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say "Hell no."

They're fighting us.


This is just so depressing.

On owning slaves in the South.

LOL what?



Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010


This is not a sign of anything, though. Back to your business, citizens.

I like how the GOP messaging strategy has come down to imitating Judah Friedlander's sartorial choices.

Pezzi postmortem. And related.

WTF, Dodd? Kindly shove your attempt at managing my expectations and GET US WARREN.

We need to do a whole lot more of listening to scientists in general, I think.

Fzck you, Music Industry: This is a real nice diner you got here, sure would be a shame if something happened to it...

Well boo fzcking hoo.

Cops on roids.

Apt poetry.

This guy is amazing.

The Nerd Handbook. Very similar to Caring for your Introvert.

Grumpy Godless Goat really needs his own children's adventure series.




Classic: ASL Queen.

Friday, August 6, 2010

happy friday!

Urge to kill rising...

More on the damn Dems.

OK, sure. I've got my eye on you, Google.


"They're not in your underwear by accident. They're nation-building."

Hey, *I* would like a Very Large Telescope.

Which is fine, except that we're not so swift with the table-turning. Fingers crossed, though. Because the radical GOP agenda is terrimifying.

Or we could provide kids with a safe, legal and GREEN option that won't cause brain damage, but hey...


Bad: Less bats mean more bugs.

Oh the humanity!


Fzck-It Friday Video Round Up:

I miss college.

b00bies!!: one and two

Japan!!: one and two

I heartily concur.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Wyclef Jean for President!

WHAT THE FZCK. You guys, you said DON'T be evil.

File Under: Insanely Offensive Things to Say to People Who've Lost a Child


I stand by my prior statement that the mob-run unions were the best unions. They got sh1t DONE.

Interesting. Mark Kirk's ex-wife is his "moral conscience", eh?

File Under: Black Apples and Fetal Oranges

Press Release of the Day.

Best Facebook response evar.

On higher ed.

Wow, crazy people, well done.

More Snickers! More Coke!



Kitty! Panda! Shark!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I made this amazing corn pesto for dinner last night and it was fzcking delicious. You should make some too and eat the hell out of it.

TNC on political analogies.

Nailed it! This too.


My basic sense is that this is not the way to start a productive dialogue.

Some people definitely need to be fired here ASAP.

Glenn Beck is coming! Hide what's left of your sanity!


The future is bleak.



Box wine, meet box beer.







This is old and I've circulated it before, but I don't care, it's a cute g0ddamn video.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Teachers: how did this happen? What are the talking points being circulated amongst you? (Not that the endorsements are by vote, I'm just curious)

Paul Krugman really needs to run things for awhile. More here.

Rand Paul continues to be bad for my blood pressure.


It's been fun, Internets.

Hey, *I'm* a racist idiot! Where's my six-figure advance? /headdesk

This exactly.

File Under: Made Up Numbers


RIP Mitch Miller, I was totally shocked you were still alive.

MadMen mini roundup: one, two

Poisonous polar octopi.

Mmm, grilled cheese and ham biscuits.

Live 30 Rock w00t! (bonus: 90's Tina Fey!)

Monday, August 2, 2010


Update: Al Gore!

The pending redneck revolution.

Scorching good reflection on Shirley Sherrod.

Chris Hayes + Steven Benen = nerdout

Holy crap.

This is longish and maybe a little boring if you're not in healthcare, but considering how common hip and knee joint replacements are now (to say nothing of back surgeries), it's an issue for everyone.

Matlock politics.


LOVE this.

Awww. Have a nice day.